"People want to learn new things, to feel they've made a contribution - that they are doing worthwhile work.  Few people are motivated only by money. People

want to feel that

what they do

makes a difference

in the world."

Frances Hesselbein 
The Drucker Foundation


Consulting Services

What We Do

We believe the power to improve comes from within. Our focus is on helping clients improve by focusing on internal processes, leadership and workforce capabilities, and customer commitment.


How We Do It

We conduct a thorough and accurate assessment of an organization's needs using a variety of assessment tools and techniques, such as interviews, focus groups and surveys. 


Once we know where to focus, and what to focus on, we identify actions and initiatives to move the organization forward. Recommendations range from individualized coaching to large-scale group facilitation, and change management and organizational development initiatives to classroom-led training programs.


Organizational Development

We believe in enhancing an organization's productivity.  We help organizations drive for results and achieve competitive advantage through strategic planning, mission and vision development, and effective change strategies. We identify processes, people, knowledge and skills necessary to improve organizational effectiveness. Using innovative, agreed-upon actions and interventions, we help organizations expand their internal capacity to lead and manage change.


Team and Group Facilitation

Whether you need facilitation for large groups, departments or project teams, we have the business background, skills and expertise to meet your needs.


Our experience includes helping organizations build and nurture effective teams, and we've worked with virtual teams, executive and management teams, and project teams at all levels of an organization.


Executive Coaching

Through one-on-one professional coaching, we help leaders at all levels in the organization leverage their current strengths and develop new capabilities. This is done through individualized assessments and targeted planning. Our goal is to help individuals sustain high performance.

Have a Question?  We're here to help.
Email us at sue@suerussellconsulting.com or call us at 513.553.3400.

Consulting for professional development and organization. Solutions through business and organizational assessment, development and training. organizational development, training and consulting services, human resource development, customer service training, curriculum design, leadership development training, team building, employee development, business assessment and coaching, customized training, interactive training, executive coaching, strategic planning, group facilitation, management development training, corporate training, change management, organizational change, vital learning, coaching skills, delegation skills, behavioral interviewing, project management, time management, train the trainer, training assessments, mentoring, performance management, conflict management, physician leadership training, call centers, Cincinnati, Ohio, Southwest Ohio Home|Consulting|Training|Clients|About Us|Programs|